
Monday, March 12, 2012

Things to spend my earned money on

In order to be entirely faithful to my foremost duty, being a good student, I don't have a job at the moment. Once I recover my pace, I would like to get a part time job in teaching computer science/math or paid internship at energy/green companies. I am still searching.

Meanwhile, I indulge in what-if-I-get-that-job imagination. Oh, it's sweet.

1. A headset. (can you believe that I'v never owned a headset or an earphone in my entire life?! and I do enjoy listening to music.)

2. Paying for my parent's a full-day date course and hiring someone to white glove my house from the tiniest corner to the deepest corner. Basically, I want to buy some time for my parents. They do not seem to get relaxed enough to dust out mundane part of their life. ever.

3. A pair of grey sneakers. I like shoes like all the other women. But for some reason, my shoes do not last more than a year--especially, sneakers. I end up buying a new pair of sneakers every year. How about you? How many shoes do you buy yearly? Well, for this season, I have seven pairs out on the shoe rack. 1) Running shoes 2) Casual sneakers 3) brown heels 4) mustard heels 5) casual grey heels 6) leather boots 7) slippers..??! they're shoes, right. According to an article, an average American woman owns 19 pairs and only wears 5. Even if I add my spring/summer set, I don't think I have 19 pairs! Usually, I do not feel great about being below average, but this one I am proud to be below average.

4. An artist tablet (graphic drawing tablet). I do not know how to call it? This is a completely different kind than what you would normally think of tablet. This tablet is hooked up to a computer and typically used with Adobe software. At any rate, I'd love to start some webtoons (comics on the web). Webtoon is a huge hit in South Korea now. This is the perfect genre in entertainment among Koreans, who use high-speed, in fact the highest in the world, internet 247. Quite a few Korean movies and TV shows originate from the webtoons. From a 9 year old to 50-year-old moms, webtoon is making everyone laugh with its short weekly episodes. These online comics are mainly supported by two giant Korean portal sites--Naver and Daum. You can read an article about it here ( Well, it's in Korean, so try to learn the language or run the Chrome's extension Google Translate. It should translate the entire webpage for you.

My wish to do list continues to a few more items. It will be great if I get to post about the list becoming true. I feel like this is my first pay ever. What did you do with your first pay? There is a custom in Korea that you must buy your family their underwear with your first ever earned money. Did anyone, not from Korea, shop for family underwear? Lol. I don't know how that tradition has evolved, but it's a fun one (though I didn't keep it. I took my students to a very nice dinner with my very first paycheck).

It's exciting that there are people that I care about, that I sincerely wish their well-being, and that I'd love to willingly spend all of my first-earned money for.

Feeling much love in closing today. (A perfect song is just now playing from my Grooveshark playlist, "Dance with My Father" by Luther Van Dross. A great song.)

Good night.

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